Research Seminar: Samuel Mehr

Sam Mehr

The Speaker

Samuel Mehr joined the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland in 2022 as a Senior Lecturer and Rutherford Discovery Fellow. He directs The Music Lab, an international research group focusing on the psychology of music. Mehr’s research draws on ideas and tools from cognitive and developmental psychology, data science, and evolutionary anthropology, to ask what music is, how music works, and why music exists.

The Music Lab was established in 2017 at Harvard University’s Department of Psychology, with funding from the NIH Director’s Early Independence Award and the Harvard Data Science Initiative. In 2022 the lab moved its collective left foot across the Pacific to New Zealand and its collective right foot to New Haven, as a part of the Yale Child Study Center. In addition to more traditional experimental work, we specialise in large-scale citizen science experiments. You can participate at

See here for more information.

The Seminar

In this event in a series, speakers from within the Hub, the University, and the broader research community tell us about their research. Our Research Seminar Series involves speakers covering a broad range of themes surrounding our Hub’s interests, so we’ll hopefully all learn something interesting. Whether you want to learn to inform your own research or to simply satisfy a personal curiosity, we hope to see you there.

Attend In-Person or Online

When: Monday 15 April 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Steve Howard Room 5206, Level 5, Melbourne Connect
Online: Join the zoom here Meeting ID: 881 8112 1134 Passcode: 081124