Integrating eHealth tools into the treatment of mental health and alcohol/other drug use problems​


With the rapid integration of technology into all aspects of our lives, there are increasing opportunities for integrating these technologies into treatment approaches for comorbid mental health and alcohol/other drug use problems, in a way that engages and empowers like never before. This is especially true for traditionally hard-to-reach populations. This presentation will outline advances in technology-based care for mental health and alcohol/other drug use problems, with a focus on comorbid mental health and alcohol/other drug use problems, rurally-based populations, and young people. The outcomes of a series of randomised controlled clinical trials and implementation studies will be reported, along with implications for further research and clinical practice.

Speaker Bio

Prof Frances Kay-Lambkin is internationally recognised for her innovative technology-based interventions for mental health and substance use disorders, and is the current President of the Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) and the former President for International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII). Frances’s research is developing high quality, evidence-based care that is accessible and acceptable to people with mental and physical health comorbidities. Frances leads an international team of researchers, clinicians, and industry partners in innovative development and translation of evidence-based treatments for comorbid mental and physical disorders, which is recognised for its impact, research quality, and significant translational and commercial value. Her contribution to new knowledge is evidenced by: 90 peer-reviewed journal publications in the past 5 years with >2000 citations. She has led five large randomized controlled clinical trials of face-to-face, phone-based and computerised psychological treatments for mental health and alcohol/substance use problems, and translated these treatments into clinical practice. Her vision is to bring high quality, evidence-based treatment for multiple health problems to the point-of-care for people experiencing mental health and addictive disorders to ensure that the right person receives the right intervention at the right time.