Upcoming CHDH events

The Complex Human Data Hub will be hosting a lot of events before the end of the year!
Tomorrow, Professor Matthias Mehl will be speaking about the EAR for experience sampling (Tuesday 1pm - Latham theatre), and later in the week Dr Christian Steglich speaking about Stochastic Network Modelling as Generative Social Science (Friday 3pm - Latham Theatre).
Next week is the 🎉Pip Pattison Oration🎉 (Monday 25h Nov - 3 PM at Lyle Theatre) where Professor Yoshi Kashima will outline the Roots, Potential, and Promise of Computational Behavioural Science.
This is our big event for the year and the oration will be a new annual event hosted by the Complex Human Data Hub to showcase work based in mathematical psychology. Click here to register.
After these events, Pete Jones will be speaking about relational tools in network analysis to evaluate gender bias in popular film narratives (Tuesday 10th December 4pm-5pm - Latham Theatre), and Johan Koskinen will be hosting a Relational Event Models Masterclass Workshop (Wednesday December 11th 12:30-5pm - 1120 Redmond Barry Building).
We hope to see you all there!