OHBM Program Chair-Elect: A/Prof Marta Garrido!

Our hub's Director has been elected to the OHBM council as Program Chair!


ohbm marta

Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) is the major international neuroimaging society with an annual meeting attracting 3000 people on average each year. They are dedicated to advancing the understanding of the anatomical and functional organization of the human brain using neuroimaging. A primary function of the society is to provide educational forums for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and groundbreaking research across neuroimaging methods and applications. OHBM achieves this through its member led committees and an Annual Meeting that is held in different locations throughout the world. Find out more about OHBM's history and mission on their webpage.

Their next meeting will be held in Seoul, Korea between 23-27 June 2024.

Contact Marta on marta.garrido@unimelb.edu.au