Claudia Locatelli: The Elgin prize and beyond

Claudia Locatelli's evolution from student to psychologist, culminating in the esteemed Elgin Prize is marked by her unwavering dedication. Her pivotal time at the Olivia Newton John Cancer Centre fuelled her dedication to helping those grappling with some of life's most profound challenges. Studying at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, Claudia values meaningful connections above all else. With a vision for an inclusive future, she champions acceptance and supports individuals with chronic illnesses. Claudia's reception of the Elgin Prize marks a significant milestone in her career.

Claudia Locatelli Profile

Claudia Locatelli's transition from student to psychologist is characterised by a consistent commitment to excellence. Her clinical placement at the Olivia Newton John Cancer Centre during her studies at the University of Melbourne ignited a passion to support individuals facing some of life's greatest trials.

Studying at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences wasn't just about academia for Claudia—it was about forging meaningful connections. "The therapeutic relationship is perhaps the most important part of a psychologist’s work. Nothing means more to me than the people I met and relationships I formed throughout my studies, especially during my masters."

Claudia envisions a future where diversity is celebrated, and her work thus far is underwritten by a strong desire to promote acceptance and understanding for those grappling with chronic illness.

Receiving the Elgin Prize has been an important validation for Claudia in this journey towards a career as a psychologist. " If I could have told myself in first year that I would have ended up finding my way into the Masters degree and receiving this award, I may have saved myself from many sleepless nights" she reflects, recognising the challenges that made her the empathetic psychologist she is today.

Claudia's journey highlights an important lesson for all aspiring psychologists: excellence isn't solely measured by academic achievement but by the lives touched and transformed along the way.