Past Projects: PhD

  • The long-term psychological and social outcomes of anterior temporal lobectomy (Honor Coleman, 2020)
  • Brain and behavioural correlates of emotional voice processing in autism and its broader phenotype (Valerie Yap, 2020)
  • Drumming up harmony: How rhythmic synchronisation fosters prosocial behaviour (James Richmond, 2019)
  • Characterising the psychoses of epilepsy: A neuroimaging and neuropsychological study (James Allebone, 2019)
  • The organisation of singing and language networks in epilepsy (Laura Bird, 2019)
  • The comorbidity between epilepsy and autism: Examination of the Broader Autism Phenotype in epilepsy (Annie Richard, 2019)
  • The behavioural and neural correlates of learning to sing (Dawn Merrett, 2019)
  • Emotional intelligence in acquired brain injury: Utility as a predictor of psychosocial and functional outcomes (Sarah Hall, 2018)
  • The Sound of 'Silence': Exploring the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms underlying the experience of tinnitus (Krysta Callander, 2018)
  • Investigating the genetic basis of singing ability: A twin study (Yi Ting Tan, 2017)
  • The development of manipulative aural skills in the improvising musician via mental practice during performance preparation (Tim Willis, 2017)
  • Fracturing the coherent lived experience: Are autobiographic memory deficits related to depression in epilepsy? (Genevieve Rayner, 2015)
  • Familiarity and the perception of dissonance in musical intervals and chords (David Marco, 2014)

See all past projects