Resources and readings

Content is still being added here so this is mostly just a stub, but here are some good resources for learning R at least.

Learning Statistics with R is a great (free) online textbook that was designed to introduce beginning psychology students to statistics using R. As such it is an excellent resource for both statistics (seriously it is one of the clearest intro stats books I know of) and R. Since it was written a while ago it doesn't have much on ggplot or tidyverse, although the author, Danielle Navarro, is creating newer materials more focused on using R, which do incorporate ggplot and tidyverse, here in R for Psychological Science.

Interactive tutorials in R offer introductions to both statistics and R, and are meant to work alongside Andy Field's statistics textbook called An adventure in statistics: The reality enigma. The book is not free but I believe the tutorials are.

R for Data Science is a great (free) online textbook that walks you through using R for data science. The focus isn't on psychological tests but on data wrangling, visualisation, and so forth, with chapters on tidyverse and ggplot2.

RYouWithMe is a collection of introductory learning resources designed specifically for newbies from the fabulous folks at RLadiesSydney, which include ggplot2 and tidyverse. Not finished yet.

Data Skills for Reproducible Science contains the materials from a course which aims to teach students the basic principles of reproducible research and to provide practical training in data processing and analysis in the statistical programming language R. With weekly assignments if that kind of thing helps!

RStudioPrimers looks like a great set of primers on all sorts of important topics, including ggplot2 and tidyverse amongst other things.

Data Visualisation: A practical introduction walks you through how to make nice graphs with R, but also talks about general principles of good visualisation more theoretically.

Data Analysis and Visualisation in R for ecologists says it's for ecologists but most of it is relevant to anybody.

Here is a basic intro tutorial for ggplot.

The R cheat sheets are exactly what it sounds like -- great cheat sheets for a lot of useful packages. Not great for teaching yourself but great for reminding yourself. I use them a lot.

One of the PhD students at UniMelb, Christina van Heer, here ran two workshops on tidyverse and ggplot for beginners. The wiki can be found here, and the downloads here.

R-graphics cookbook here and here are good resources for creating graphs once you understand the basics.